Why would I want to do Pilates on a one to one basis?


A question we get asked lots in the studio is, “Why would I want to do Pilates on a one to one basis when you've so many great group classes on the timetable and it’s so much more expensive for a one to one session?”

The truth is, that one to one sessions are very specific to you. Group classes aren't. That really is the massive difference. 

An example of the power of an individual specific approach is when Susan came into see me for her hip problem, she's a hockey player and was getting lots of issues with her hip that meant she was having to spend more time on the bench than the pitch. She needed to get back on the pitch and - by the time I saw her she was frustrated. Susan came in, had an individual approach to her training and the results... well why don't you take a moment to hear from Susan herself  

She got an individual plan and got back on the pitch! It's important I'm clear should - Susan did have to put in the work -...

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